Young Girl Big City

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I am an 18 year old girl growing up in the city of London.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Do Leopards Ever Change Their Spots??

So Russell Brand has been rumoured to be going out with ex-spice girl Geri Haliwell, they have been seen holding hands and kissing in public and have been pictured together a lot recently however Russell Brand has been seen checking in to a hotel with a mysterious brunette!! So the question is Do leopards ever change their spots or do they just paint over them so you can not see them?

There is a saying "Once a cheater always a cheater" but is this true or can someone grow up and realise their mistakes and decide to settle down? I have always been one for being ruthless when it comes to cheating in relationships, its my personal opinion that if someone can cheat on you once they can always do it again and its better to cut ties early on to save heartbreak!!! BUT many people have said to me about trying to forgive and forget and saying how for relationships to work you have to put effort in and fight for them.

I want to know what you think; Cut them off or fight  for the relationship?? If so how many times do you forgive someone before you realise that they will not change??

Let me know your opinions!!

-A xoxo

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