I came across a YouTube video today (I will put the link at the end of the post) and it got me thinking is there really such a thing as black or white music? Yes traditionally Rap and Hip Hop are associated with black people where as Rock and Country are associated with white people HOWEVER in the 21st century is there room for such stereotypes?
I have an incredibly wide music taste i will listen to Classical, Country, Rock, Pop, Reggae, Rap anything that has a good beat and meaningful lyrics nevertheless I am a white teenager growing up in London therefore the main genre i have grown up around is hip hop and rap but is this not allowed due to the fact they are "black music"? Just like my friend who is black and loves rock, is this not allowed due to the fact it is "white music"? I find it difficult to comprehend that we are still battling with stereotypes and being constricted in to certain ways of life due to the colour of our skin! Are we as a human race not passed this yet?
Although musical taste is usually highly influenced by your culture and the environment in which you grow up in there are NO restrictions on music as it is something that has always managed to seep through all races like a guy in the video said "Good music is undeniable"
What is your opinion let me know!
YouTube link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGBnOZ43vJM&feature=relmfu
-A xoxo
Haven't read something that I agree with as much as this in a long while :) keep your whole blog going I love it :) Ben x
ReplyDeleteAwww thanks hun wil do -A xoxo