Young Girl Big City

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I am an 18 year old girl growing up in the city of London.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


I always said I would be one of those girls who does not get upset over guys and will never cry and be a hot mess But its actually crazily hard to lose someone especially if you did not realise what you had till it was gone. I have to throw my hands up in the air and say I underestimated how upsetting it can be! How do you deal with living without someone who was your closest friend for a period of your life? 

We have all had heartbreak so what advice would you give to someone going through heartache? Mine would be to try and enjoy the time you had and instead of letting it make you cry let it make you smile and attempt to cherish it. However i was watching Sex and the City last night and Carrie said something that made me think "When a relationship ends do we ever really give up the ghost? or are we forever haunted by the spirit of relationships past?" 

What do you think? Are we forever haunted or when the relationship ends does the ghost go to that white light at the end of the tunnel? 

-A xoxo 

Saturday, 6 October 2012

True Friends and Fakes!!

In the UK you normally finish secondary school at the age of 16-17 and unless your secondary school has a sixth form attached to it you usually end up either going to a college or to another secondary school that does have a sixth form. I have found that this first year of A-Levels (GCEs) (the first year of college/sixth form) tends to be a major test for friends as it is a very hectic year with a lot of things you have to deal with and if you are not careful months will pass and you will realise you have not spoken to any of your friends!!

I am the sort of person that finds human interaction very interesting and I believe we can learn a lot from the different stages of life. I struggled with my first year but I managed to keep in touch with my close friends but at the same time I also realised some of the people that I called friends were not who I thought they were at all! So with stages like this of life do we fight for a relationship that just does not seem to be there any more or do we learn to just enjoy memories and move on?

Have you ever had a friendship/relationship that just does not seem to be working any more? What did you do fight or move on? How did your decision work out for you? Do you regret your decision?

Let me know in the comment box below.

-A xoxo

Sunday, 9 September 2012


There has been a lot of media attention surrounding the Russian punk group 'Pussy Riot' who are using music to fight against Putin their dictator. The girls within the band have shown great courage by trying to speak out and fight for their beliefs. Three of them have even gone to prison where its more than likely they will be be mistreated, but this is the risk they are willing to take for their rights!!!

I personally believe these girls are inspirational and that people watching as they continue their fight should use these girls as inspiration to have courage and to use this courage to fight for what they believe in!! Because without our beliefs and our faith really what are we?

Have more courage and faith in yourself and your abilities and a more content person you will be! "Free Pussy Riot"

What is your opinion on 'Pussy Riot'?

-A xoxo

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Do Leopards Ever Change Their Spots??

So Russell Brand has been rumoured to be going out with ex-spice girl Geri Haliwell, they have been seen holding hands and kissing in public and have been pictured together a lot recently however Russell Brand has been seen checking in to a hotel with a mysterious brunette!! So the question is Do leopards ever change their spots or do they just paint over them so you can not see them?

There is a saying "Once a cheater always a cheater" but is this true or can someone grow up and realise their mistakes and decide to settle down? I have always been one for being ruthless when it comes to cheating in relationships, its my personal opinion that if someone can cheat on you once they can always do it again and its better to cut ties early on to save heartbreak!!! BUT many people have said to me about trying to forgive and forget and saying how for relationships to work you have to put effort in and fight for them.

I want to know what you think; Cut them off or fight  for the relationship?? If so how many times do you forgive someone before you realise that they will not change??

Let me know your opinions!!

-A xoxo

Search for Blog Helpers!!

Hey Guys, 
                 Basically I feel that my blog is focused a little too much on Britain and British news therefore I am looking for a two people to begin with to help me with stories and things to talk about on my blog that is from other countries too!! Just to make the blog a bit more worldwide friendly so if you think that you would be interested in something like this then comment and I will get back to you! :) 

- A xoxo 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Ah! Back to College! :'(

Hey guys,
                I have had a very hectic summer so apologies for the lack of blogs but it has to be said how amazing was the London 2012 Olympics?! Jheeze everything from the opening ceremony to the best achievement by team GB ever to the closing ceremony!! Absolutely awesome and great to be a part of, I even met the GB Mens Gymnastics team they are SO fit and talented!! LOL!

But it comes to this time of year where every teenager from the age of 11 to 18 dreads; going back to school/college after 6-8 weeks of freedom it feels like going to prison!! It wouldnt be so bad if I didnt know that I am going to have work my butt off this year as I am in Year 13/Leaving Sert whilst also retaking some of my exams from last year (I know, i know dont judge me)

I will probably have lots to rant about and therefore will have lots to blog about :D So speak soon!!

-A xoxo

Sunday, 15 July 2012


Yes I know you guys have missed terribly! But I am back from holiday for a couple of days and I am back off to a foreign land again LOL! I am lucky I know!

I had an amazing week and practised a lot of my French, the weather could have been better but it wasn't terrible!! Overall I wish I wasn't back in England!!

- A xoxo  

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Suicide Is Not The Way!!

I saw a YouTube video today about a gorgeous 16 year old girl who committed suicide over bullying and felt I HAD to help spread this message!! I was bullied for years but thankfully in my second year of secondary school the bullying stopped however PLEASE don't suffer in silence, if your being bullied I know your afraid to tell someone in case the bullying gets worse but nine times out of ten if you tell someone it will help you SO much!!

It should be a parent or a teacher but even if it is a cousin, sibling or friend tell someone as suicide is not the way to fix things!! It may seem like the bullies are ruining your entire life and you will never be happy or have friends but I promise you things WILL get better if you are proactive because those bullies will not be there your whole life! If you want to you could immigrate to a whole new country once you have your grades! Use their negativity to spur you on to make you want to do better!! Because the only way to win is to succeed!!

Spread the word! Suicide is NOT the way!!

We're ALL beautiful to some people and ugly to others because beauty IS in the eye of the beholder!!!
-A xoxo 

Monday, 2 July 2012

Spain Are Crowned Euro 2012 Champions!

I think we all knew it was coming but yesterday Spain defeated Italy a whopping 4-0 making them the first team to ever win the Euro 2012 twice in a row, as Spain went to collect their cup to put in their trophy cabinet next to the Euro 2008 cup and the 2010 World cup, Balotelli had stormed off down the tunnel furious at Italy's loss. Can you blame him? Italy had progressed further then anyone would have ever believed in this Euro competition so to fall at the last hurdle must have been devastating however storming off is a very childish thing to do Balotelli! No one likes a sore loser suck it up and be graceful in defeat!!

The game was dominated by the Spanish but all the same a very good match to watch! The game summed up the competition and the International footballing status at the moment as Spain have been dominating the footballing world and with NO strikers! Very good end to a very good Euro competition! England next time maybe? Ha Ha! (You have to have hope I guess)

Let me know what you thought of the match and your thoughts on Spain!!

-A xoxo

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Chat Rooms Dangerous or Amazing?

There has always been a lot of media attention surrounding chat rooms but with the right knowledge can chat rooms just be a way to pass time and chat to people around the world or are they just 100% dangerous?

In theory chat rooms are awesome, a place where you can chat to loads of different people from all around the world from your bedroom however as we all know they can be abused by people with ulterior motives that involve more than chatting! There has been a few cases of people meeting up with people from chat rooms and have ended up in dire circumstances, the majority of these cases seem to be young girls so how do we prevent this? Is there a way to make young people safe from manipulation within chat rooms?

I cant help thinking with the right teaching, restrictions and some common sense that chat rooms have the potential to be great!! What do you think? Let me know!!

-A xoxo

Is There Such A Thing As Black Or White Music?

I came across a YouTube video today (I will put the link at the end of the post) and it got me thinking is there really such a thing as black or white music? Yes traditionally Rap and Hip Hop are associated with black people where as Rock and Country are associated with white people HOWEVER in the 21st century is there room for such stereotypes?

I have an incredibly wide music taste i will listen to Classical, Country, Rock, Pop, Reggae, Rap anything that has a good beat and meaningful lyrics nevertheless I am a white teenager growing up in London therefore the main genre i have grown up around is hip hop and rap but is this not allowed due to the fact they are "black music"? Just like my friend who is black and loves rock, is this not allowed due to the fact it is "white music"? I find it difficult to comprehend that we are still battling with stereotypes and being constricted in to certain ways of life due to the colour of our skin! Are we as a human race not passed this yet?

Although musical taste is usually highly influenced by your culture and the environment in which you grow up in there are NO restrictions on music as it is something that has always managed to seep through all races like a guy in the video said "Good music is undeniable"

What is your opinion let me know!

YouTube link;

-A xoxo


I am going to be posting a considerable amount less next week as I am going on holiday :D I know, I know you will miss me but I will make it up to you guys when I come back and give you the low down on what happens on my holiday ;) 

Just thought I would let you guys know. 

-A xoxo 

Adele is Pregnant!!!

The award winning British singer has announced that her and her boyfriend Simon Konecki are expecting their first child!! I am incredibly happy for Adele as she comes across as so down to earth and in the music industry for the MUSIC not the fame that comes hand in hand with it!

Adele has asked for people (mainly paparazzi) to respect her and Konecki's privacy as they prepare to become parents and have a mini me running around which I think is perfectly reasonable and should be respected by the paparazzi!! Of course we want to know what is happening throughout the pregnancy however that is up to Adele's discretion.

I wish Adele all the best of luck (not that she will see it) LOL! :P and I am going to guess that it is a girl :P

-A xoxo

Friday, 29 June 2012

Rumours That Will.I.Am Is Trying To Get Cheryl A Chat Show!!

We all love a good chat show and with the right host they can be incredibly entertaining the best known and most highly aclaimed chat shows being; Alan Carr, Jonathan Ross and Graham Norton! The chat show world seems to be dominated by men maybe its time that there was a female chat show host! 

But the big question is, is Cheryl up for the role? She is known for being highly opinionated and not scared to express her views but what would she bring to a chat show? Alan Carr brings humour, Jonathan Ross is incredibly controversial (less now) and Graham Norton is damn right crazy (in a good way) I don't see what the unique selling point of this show would be a part from the fact Cheryl is drop dead gorgeous!! 

That's just my opinion! Would you like to see Cheryl with her own chat show? Or do you hate the idea? Let me know!! 

-A xoxo

A Very Successful First Day Back Blogging!

Thanks to everyone who viewed my blog from the guys in Australia & Trinidad and Tobago to the UK and America!!! You are all awesome and I am going to keep this blog going so come back and check on it every now and then ;) MWAH!!

-A xoxo

The Sexiest Accent?

I was talking to someone about this early so I thought I would open it up to you guys :) What accent do you believe is the sexiest accent? I am from London therefore I don't believe the London accent is that sexy ... maybe I am just too use to it. For me the sexiest accent is between the Australian and the Irish as they both are quite melodic!

I may be biased as my family are from Ireland but I lean more to the Irish accent being the sexiest accent on a guy! Girls do you agree? If not what is your favourite accent? Guys what do you think is the sexiest accent on a girl?

Get commenting I want to know!!!

-A xoxo

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Spice Girls Reunited

It seems that the 2000s has been the decade for bands reuniting such as; Steps, Take That and S Club 7! Spice Girls have decided that they are no different and are reuniting, I am interested in seeing the style of music that they will decide to bring out or whether they take the same route that Steps did and just re-release  their old stuff for a nostalgic effect. 
As much as I loved these bands when they were in their prime, I just can't see how there is a gap in the market for such bands any more, the music industry has evolved since the 1990's and I can't see how these bands are going to evolve along with the industry, maybe the record companies should focus on picking up some new, original talent that is in and around the UK then trying to revive bands who were successful due to the time there music was released. 

What do you think? Can they evolve? Is there a gap in the music industry for all these bands who are reuniting? Or should we be looking for new talent instead of trying to re-brand old talent? 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!! 

-A xoxo


I am SO excited! My blog has hit Canada,Turkey, Australia, France and Ireland!!! I would like to give a shout out to all those countries! When you check out my blog PLEASE subscribe and comment on the posts as I would love to hear some different opinions on the topics I post about!! :D You guys rock along with; the UK, USA, Germany and Belgium <3

-A xoxo

I Take It ALL Back!!

WOW! What a shocking result of the Euro 2012 Semi-Final between Germany and Italy! The match ends Italy 2 - Germany 1, Both Italian goals scored by Mario Balotelli who has now proved that he deserves to be in the Italian team. Against all odds the Italians went in to the match fighting and it paid off, you could see the passion in the players portrayed by Balotelli who actually celebrated his goals even after saying "When I score, I don't celebrate because it's my job. When a postman delivers letters, does he celebrate?"

However it was not just Italian skill which allowed the Italians to progress through to the final where they will play Spain. The German defence was also quite poor; they allowed the Italians to roam within midfield and made a few mistakes up front which resulted in Balotelli's first goal in particular. The last couple of minutes of the match was tense as Germany were awarded a penalty for a hand ball, however it turned out not to be enough to beat the strong Italian side.

Overall a good match and I am interested to see the final as this European Championship has just got interesting! Well done Italy, I am amazed, shocked and excited!!!

Give your opinion in the comments below! Did you enjoy the match? Who were you supporting? Were you shocked by the score? Let me know :)

-A xoxo

Hello Belgium!

I was checking my statistics and I noticed I have had two views from Belgium which is a new addition to my audience already! So I wanted to give a huge shout out to Belgium you rock!!! :D

Shout out to the USA, Germany and the UK as well it is much appreciated!!

Please subscribe if you like the blog! It would mean the world to me :)

-A xoxo

Euro 2012; Germany v Italy

Tonight is the night we see Germany face off against Italy in the semi-finals of the European Championship 2012! This should be an interesting game because if Italy have any chance of beating Germany they will have to up their game as their performance against England in the quarter-final was poor (not as poor as England's performance clearly ;P) but Germany are no England and if the Italians play in the same manner they did on  Sunday where the Italians just grasped on to a win via penalties (4-2) Germany should come out strongly on top!!

I believe the Italians will be out of the Euro tonight however we shall see ... What is your opinion? Italy or Germany? Let me know in the comments below!

-A xoxo

Jessie J Gets Sued!

Yes you read the title right!! Jessie J is being sued by Loomis & the Lust who are an American band claiming that the British singer has stolen huge chunks of their song 'Bright Red Chords'. The British singer prides herself on writing her own music and it is a well known fact that she wrote songs for artists such as Miley Cyrus (Party in the USA) before breaking through as an artist in her own right so this is a strong allegation to make!

Although I can hear the similarities within the two songs, I can also hear a major difference in the production and personally do not believe that Jessie J & co. have stolen their music however tell me what you think! The link to their song and the number one hit domino are below:

Loomis & the Lust - Bright Red Chords: 

Jessie J - Domino:

Leave me your comments below!
-A xoxo

The Heartbeat Fanbase

For those of you living under a rock the Heartbeat fan base are fans of the beautiful Jessie J!! You will find out at one point that I am a heartbeat myself <3 but I thought I would make a post to explain the support the Heartbeat fan base give each other and Jessie J is insane!! Wouldn't want to be part of any other fan base!!! If you are a Jessie J fan you should hit twitter and check this fan base out they're the best!!

Do you like twitter? Are you a heartbeat? How do you feel about fan bases?

Let me know!!!
-A xoxo

David Beckham Not Selected!!

I am sure like me you was shocked to hear that English footballing legend David Beckham was not picked for the England Olympics squad by Stuart Pearce. It has been reported that David Beckham was desperate to represent England at the Olympics as one of Pearce's three overage players however Pearce chose; Ryan Giggs, Micah Richards and Craig Bellamy as his overage players instead.

Personally I can not understand this decision, Beckham is a footballing legend who is loved by the majority of English football supporters! I just don't get it!

Would you have made the same decision as Pearce? If not who would you drop for Beckham? Let me know your opinion in the comments below!!

-A xoxo

Cheryl Cole's New Album

I haven't heard the whole of her album but Cheryl seems to be trying to move away from the pop side known to us through her time in Girls Aloud and leaning towards a more urban/electric sound. Personally I can not see Cheryl Cole ever being a renowned urban artist however this new sound she has decided to take on for her new album A Million Lights has worked. Songs such as; Call My Name and Screw You are songs that will stay in your head for the whole day and getting you to put it on repeat.

Have you heard the new album? If not why? If you have what do you think of it and what are you fave songs? 
Let me know in the comments below!!
-A xoxo

I'm Back!!!

Yep, I am back and this time I am on Facebook & Twitter too!!! *does a dance* haha ;) I am hoping to blog at least every other day and hoping to use twitter to draw some new faces on to my blog :) So its a fresh start for this blog! Hope you enjoy!

Facebook page is;
Twitter profile is;!/Blog_Lover95

Get following and adding I will without doubt accept all FR's on fb and follow back on twitter! Have a good day peeps :)

-A xoxo